Providing a clearer vision for the future.

Fostering a world where clear and comfortable vision is accessible to all.

Our vision is to empower individuals of all ages to understand and overcome the challenges of accommodative insufficiency (AI) through education, research, and support, fostering a world where clear and comfortable vision is accessible to all.

What is AI? Learn More About It.

We’re here to help you learn all about AI through several different materials and resources, including:

  • Medical Books, Journals, and Research Articles

  • Educational Websites and Courses

  • Vison Therapy Sessions

  • Research Institutions

  • Support Groups and Forums

  • Consultations with Eye Care Professionals

Increasing AI Awareness and Education.

By increasing AI awareness and education in the general public, we can create an inclusive environment that maximizes opportunities for all.

AI Treatment Options.

There are several personalized treatment options available for AI, based on an individual’s specific condition and symptoms, including:

  • Vision Therapy

  • Prescription Eyeglasses

  • Vision Training Apps

  • Pencil Push-Ups

  • Prism Lenses

  • Home-Based Activities

  • Medication

  • Environmental Modifications

“With advocacy and support from the AI Foundation, we’ve been able to understand and accommodate our AI students’ needs better than ever.”


Contact Us.

Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(813) 460-6005